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We are Pleased to Announce our Carbon Offsetting Project

As part of our ongoing commitment to achieve the net zero goal outlined by the British Government, Utility Trade Group have launched a new Carbon Offsetting Project.

For every Solar PV installation that we complete, we will plant a tree.

We believe that this is a fantastic initiative and will help greatly in the offsetting of our carbon footprint. Carbon offsetting plays the role of balancing out the emissions that have already been caused and we’re proud to be doing our part to make a positive change.

Through our involvement in this project, we can complement existing Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes, whilst providing much needed climate change leadership. Many carbon offsetting projects bring additional advantages to local communities, and we hope that our involvement will make a difference.

This project will help us to decarbonise electricity grids and improve energy efficiency, which in turn reduces deforestation. As a result, we expect to balance out our unavoidable emissions and become carbon neutral in our activity.

As a renewable energy provider who is committed to the prevention of climate change, we believe that our help to reduce global CO2 emissions is a key cog in the overall desire and drive for change. The outbreak of Covid-19 has seen a positive change on emissions across the globe, and we hope that this drives forward a long-term commitment and aspiration for a sustained change in the way that we approach the issues at hand.

A survey we conducted implies that the majority of people have changed their views on the issue, and are now more receptive to driving change:

As energy consultants who work with an array of businesses and organisations across the country, including local authorities, our aim is to help them to reduce their carbon footprint. By becoming involved in this project, Utility Trade Group are putting long term practices into place to ensure that we’re matching the work we’re doing for our clients.

If we can help you with any aspects of the provision of your renewable energy resources, then please get in touch today.

Our Recent Survey Shows Increase in EV Demand

As the electric vehicle market within the UK continues to grow, perhaps the greatest challenge faced is the development of an accessible, and reliable charging infrastructure.

We recently undertook a survey from a representative sample of the UK in order to find out more about their vehicle usage in light on the coronavirus outbreak. The results were interesting:

  • 64% of people said that they would continue to use their car as normal, without any adjustments.
  • 44% of people said that, given the changes to the climate they’ve seen in the lockdown period, they’d be receptive to switching their vehicle to an EV.

Given the fact that over 73% of those surveyed said that they are now more receptive to the prevention of climate change, these figures are interesting. With over 4 in 10 people indicating an interest in switching to an EV, the impact of Covid-19 on the environment can be seen only as a positive one, and one that might be the kickstart to drive change – namely on the EV front.

Covid-19 has seen far less vehicles on the road, and with that, a severe reduction in emissions. A survey was conducted within the UK, encompassing a demographic of 3,000 EV users during the current pandemic. The results were:

  • 83% are reliant on their EV for essential travel.
  • 24% identify as key workers, with over a third of those working in healthcare.
  • 47% are reliant on publicly accessible chargers.

But from the same survey demographic, 21% of survey responses reported experiencing issues with charging points, be it damage or inaccessibility, bringing to light one of the factors restricting the growth of widespread EV usage.

(Figures taken from the Department of Transport)

The results from our survey are indicative of a desire for change, but the above shows that there are still barriers to entry for many. That said, the good news is that the availability of both normal and rapid charging stations is growing extremely quickly, with numbers now suggesting that there are more EV charging locations than petrol stations. Furthermore, these rapid charging stations allow for a battery to charge to around 80% in under an hour.

(Source: Nissan)

Despite the concerns and shortcomings that many fear, the number of registered electric vehicles within the UK continues to grow year on year, and brings us closer to the 2050 ‘net zero’ goal set out. The spread of coronavirus has offered a wealth of data on both environmental impact and spending – as cars move off the road and flights are grounded, an additional push towards the 2035 fifteen year goal of banning the sale of typical ICE vehicles may be brought forward.

The next stage is likely to improve on charging capabilities for EV drivers at work, in order to reduce the reliance on publicly accessible locations elsewhere. That said, the data has shown that a robust infrastructure is now beginning to form for charging, and perhaps the opportunity for renewed focus on EV market growth is more prevalent than ever before.

Utility Trade Group are installers of EV charging equipment and have helped many clients to improve their business EV infrastructure. Get in touch today to see how we can help.

A Bright Future For Solar

As the UK continues to work towards the goal of ‘net zero’ in the coming decades, efforts are being made to ensure sustainable renewable energy is prepared to take the weight of energy demand.

Energy usage within the country has felt the pinch in light of lockdown. Thankfully, survey results from Utility Trade Group suggest that many hope that there will be a renewed focus by the government on environmental policy:

This follows a global survey that was conducted on whether or not economic efforts should be prioritised to prevent climate change:

Thanks to advances in technology, the UK has been able to hit its longest coal-free period since pre-industrial times, as solar energy has been able to provide a significant amount – more than 11% of the energy demand within the UK, since April 10th. 

Unfortunately, there has been a stall in solar growth due to the coronavirus outbreak. However, as projects grind to a halt whilst the lockdown continues – initial data suggests a 290MW growth, although a new forecast suggests that may fall to 200MW. Hopes remain high that demand will pick back up again once lockdowns end, especially with longer and brighter summers.

Over the coming months, data will start to correlate further still, on just how much climate change has been impacted by global lockdown measures. Whilst solar PV has seen a sustained increase, consumers and energy enthusiast will hope that this trend is one that continues.

Solar Energy is an established source of cheap clean energy for thousands of businesses across the country. If you would like to know more about renewable energy resource, then please get in touch.

Renewable Energy: Is Public Opinion Changing?

Renewable energy sources have recently swept to the forefront of many media publications, as we see positive trends in pollution and climate change in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The initial outlook and short term data support a rhetoric of recovery – whether or not this remains the case in the long term, once lockdown measures are lifted, is yet to be seen.

However, a clear push is evident, suggesting renewables could stimulate economic growth:

  • The cost of transition to a green economy will require investment up to £106 trillion
  • The projected socio-economic gain is more than £79.5 trillion across 30 years
  • Renewables are expected to generate upwards of 42 million jobs
  • Renewables are expected to see an 80% market share in SE Asia, Latin America, the EU, and Sub Saharan Africa by 2050

If projected figures are anything to go by, there’s a strong foundation to suggest that renewables could be a strong building block in pushing the economy back to some form of normality. As the push towards the ‘net zero’ goal by 2050 continues to draw closer, many suggest this could provide a unique opportunity to pull the goal forward. 

Public opinion is changing. In a survey conducted by Utility Trade Group within the UK, the majority do believe that climate change is a real issue, and also that the spread of COVID-19 and the lockdowns that have followed, have had a positive impact on climate change within the UK:

With an ongoing positive attitude towards climate change, as well as evolving figures for both the start of the year and what may be expected to see in the coming months, it’s entirely possible that a renewed focus is placed on renewable energy.

The impact that the growing focus could have on the economy is vast – whether or not this will become the norm is yet to be seen, and there’s still a whole host of data to come in, regarding just how much of a change has been seen from these lockdowns. That said, if public opinion and projected figures are anything to go by, then there is a huge pressure from the general public to see an increase renewable energy consumption moving forward.

Utility Trade Group are providers of renewable energy solutions. Energy efficiency is no longer a fringe exercise with expensive upfront costs and limited outcomes. It is a mainstream option that is more accessible and feasible than ever before. Get in touch today to see how we can help.

World Earth Day

The 50th anniversary of World Earth Day is here.

We’ve previously celebrated World Earth Day by providing predictive analytics on what changes were needed to positively impact our fight against global warming.

Out of the devastating worldwide pandemic that is Covid-19, we have one positive outcome – Earth is healing itself.

This image is proof, but can we act quickly and make changes to ensure its sustainability?

We can all make a difference in the short term to achieve long term goals.

Whether it’s choosing a provider who supplies green energy, reviewing and monitoring how we currently use our energy or installing renewable solutions into our buildings.

World Earth Day first took place in the 1970’s within the US, following an oil spill in California. The gathering led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency within the US and also the introduction of the clean air act, the clean water act, and the endangered species act. In 50 years, however, it has grown from a smaller gathering of environmentally conscious people, to over a billion individuals worldwide who take part in marches, petitions and clean-ups to help protect the environment – it is also the largest gathering of people united for one cause in the world.

Every year, Earth Day has a different theme, and the theme for this year is climate action – but it may have taken form in a way that organisers could never have expected. In recent years, a big focus has been shifted towards green energy alternatives and sustainable ways to act – some industry leaders such as those at Tesla have been mindful of this by setting up huge solar panel farms to power their factories, as well as huge efforts across Europe to meet carbon emission targets early. This is something that the lockdowns implemented to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, have actually brought forward. 

We’ve already seen oil prices drop to a record low, as yesterday traders were paying to have barrels taken away, as demand drops whilst vehicles are off the road. With this, we’re starting to see some signs of reduced pollution in many areas. Whilst this may only be temporary and we could see a quick return once lockdown restrictions are lifted, many hope it brings the winds of change with it – protestors are pushing toward large oil companies to not receive a bailout during this time and the International Renewable Energy Agency found that accelerating investments in renewable energy could be a giant boon for not only economic reasons, but also in steps to tackling the global climate emergency. Experts will no doubt look towards data that has come throughout the start of 2020 for the impact of climate change, but the changes seen could be the beginning of a wider spread push to reduce our use of fossil fuels, and kickstart further investment into green and renewable energy.

Get in touch today to see how Utility Trade can help you with going green.

Flexible Working & Future Proofing Your Business

If you’re uncertain about preparation for unplanned events, and your business is likely to suffer as a result of not having flexible working, then you’ll need to future proof quickly. By future proofing now, you could not only save money in the long term, but also benefit from immediate savings.

Some of the world’s largest institutions, including the likes of Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Apple and Amazon have rolled out mandatory work from home policies, attributed to the spread of Covid-19 worldwide.

In Britain, only around 20% of the population work from home regularly, so if the Government introduces flexible working policies across the board, it’s important to consider how this might affect your business and its operation.

Here at Utility Trade Group, we’ve been asking our clients some key questions:

  • How prepared are you for unplanned events?
  • How can your business continue if an event prohibits employees working in the office?
  • Have you considered the impact a fire or flood could have?
  • How much could missing a call for an order cost your business?
  • Are you looking for a more flexible way to work?

Utility Trade Group offer a fantastic future-proofing offer, in the shape of hosted solutions. It’s a technology service, whereby we can provide hosting severs that are away from the employee’s usual place of work. The system is available to clients usually via a direct network connection that uses the internet, and employees can access it via a VPN connection.

Some examples of the benefits of a hosted solution are:

  • Your business can still operate by enabling staff to work from home.
  • In the event of fire  – by just having internet access, you can log into the portal and you could redirect the calls.
  • In the event of a flood – take the handsets home and plug into the broadband and you appear to be in the office.
  • ISDN phase out – with ISDN lines being phased out by 2025, you will already be prepared and could be benefiting from inclusive calls and eradicating maintenance charges.
  • We can help with short or long term data connectivity.

Utility Trade Group have some fantastic offers available, and our dedicated team of experienced Account Managers can guide you through the process, and help you to understand which solution is the best for your business. Get in touch today.

Going Green Makes Commercial Sense, Not Just Environmental Sense

The net-zero goals set out by the British Government are something widely discussed, not just here at Utility Trade Group, but in various circles across the UK. What has become ever more apparent as the dangers of climate change have become more widely publicised, is the lack of information and focus on the commercial benefit to the programme.

We are providers of 100% green electricity and gas contracts, with ongoing energy comparison showing that this is constantly cheaper than other forms, meaning that you can save money, simply by moving to this 100% green approach.

Green energy is generated in a number of ways – from the sun, wind, rain, and organic material. At Utility Trade Group, we provide energy that is produced in this way, ensuring that if you speak to one of our Account Managers, they’ll be able to find you the right tariff that is 100% green, sustainable, and is cheaper than most non-renewable sources.

As the title suggests – going green, and achieving our net-zero goals, makes strong commercial sense, not just environmental sense. Furthermore, this applies to domestic as well as commercial energy users.

The impact of Brexit has long presented uncertainties as to the cost of energy supply, and indeed business growth in general. How will our exit from the bloc, from which we’ve long been members, impact your business revenue, its costs, and indeed its bottom line? As we stand at present, nobody knows for sure – so the commercial benefit of going green is one that shouldn’t be ignored.

2019 was a record year for green energy production in the UK, and Britain actually enjoyed its first ever two week period, where electricity was generated entirely from sources other than coal. This is a significant step in the going green process, and one that shouldn’t be underestimated – both businesses and domestic consumers alike can benefit in the long run.

Aside from the fact that consumers are more likely to work with a business who is operating sustainably, there are a wide array of grants and funding options too – aside from the tax benefits are that also in existence. With the costs of non-renewable energy expected to double in the next decade, the use of renewable energy sources make sense. Whether it be through the use of Solar PV to reduce electricity costs, Far Infrared Heating to reduce heating costs, or EVs to reduce the costs of non-renewable fossil fuels to power a petrol or diesel vehicle – Utility Trade Group can help. We are strong advocates of the renewable energy programme.

You should act quickly, however, as some of the tax breaks that the Government currently offer as. Incentives for going green are due to expire in the not-too-distant future. Low emission cars currently qualify for a 100% capital allowance, and zero emission vehicles have no road tax. In fact, recent research by Barclays has indicated that small businesses can save up to 75% by going green, further emphasising the commercial benefit that such practice has on the bottom line of a business.

Often what holds business back, is the lack of clear messaging around these benefits, with 19% of business owners holding back from renewable energy due to a lack of funds. With the grants available, this nullifies this concern – something which Utility Trade Group can help you with, and guide you through the process in taking advantage of the schemes that are available to you and your business.

If you’re interested in saving money, and doing your bit for sustainability, then get in touch today. We are very proud to provide 100% green electricity and gas – a benefit that ensures our clients can not only be doing their bit for the climate, but they also make significant savings too.

One of our expert consultants can help you through the whole process of green electricity and gas – from understanding the benefits to the climate, to helping you understand the longer-term ROI benefits that you’d gain. As we said at the start, going green makes great commercial sense, not just environmental sense.

Meet The Team – Craig Tewley

As part of our monthly introduction to a different team member at Utility Trade Group, this month we’d like to introduce you to Craig Tewley, who has been with us for around 2 and a half years.

Describe your job in three words.

Challenging, Rewarding, Ever-changing

How long have you been with the business, and what does your day-to-day role entail?

2 years, 6 Months.

Project Managing, completing everything from sale, site surveys, designs, supplier and contractor organising, site management, to hand over. For a number of renewable products for a wide range of clients.

What do you enjoy most about working at Utility Trade Group?

The People I work with and the challenges every job brings.

What have you learnt/what has changed about yourself since working at UTG?

I have learnt a lot whilst working at UTG in all aspects of being a project manager-no job is ever the same. I’ve grown in confidence and leadership. I’ve also learnt that Teamwork plays a massive part in a successful job.

What are the values that drive you?

(Family) My biggest drive

(Honesty, Integrity), Always be true to yourself and others. Always do the right thing, even if it’s not the easy thing.

(Courage) doing and saying the right thing, not the thing that people want you to do or say.

(Discipline) Doing things properly and setting the right example.

(Respect for others) Always treat people as you expect to be treated.

If you could switch positions with anyone famous in the world (living or dead) for one day, who would it be and why?

Sir David Attenborough, to really understand the true wonders of the world.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Spending time with my family friends and long walks with my dog.

Dog handling with the British Army.

Going down to the King Power to watch LCFC.

How would your family & friends describe you?

A joker, carefree, caring and helpful.

What’s your favourite food?


If you had super hero powers for a day, what would it be and why?

Telepathy, so I can hear what people really thought about me.

When you were a kid, what did you want to do when you grew up?

Royal Air Force Pilot.

What World Record would you be likely to break and why?

The most packs of crisps eaten in a row

What would you rather, and why: go without your phone, food or drink for a day?

My Phone. I spend way too much time on my phone.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

Help as many people as I can where I can

What would you most likely tell yourself at age 13?

Don’t worry so much, don’t take life so seriously.

You only live once so don’t worry what others think. Always speak your mind. Study harder at school. Do what you want to do, don’t follow others, stick at things without quitting so easily.

If the UK is to go Green, the Contribution of the Finance Sector is Imperative

Energy efficiency is no longer a fringe exercise with expensive upfront costs and limited outcomes. It is a mainstream option that is more accessible and feasible than ever before.

We know how important it is for businesses to reach their sustainable goal, but they need to protect budget too.

It’s a message that is often delivered here at Utility Trade Group – the UK Government has set a net-zero goal which must be achieved. It’s now been passed into UK law, meaning the target to bring all greenhouse gas emissions is a necessity as opposed to a choice.

We’ve written previously about a number of steps that can be taken by individuals and businesses alike, to achieve this goal – namely energy efficiency. But City Minister, John Glen argues that the UK’s financial services sector must lead the way in ensuring that the country continues to drive its emission rates down to the required level, in a sustainable way. In fact, he goes as far as suggesting that it must do more than just lead the way – he believes that the sector will have a bigger role to play than any other industry.

Mr Glen has outlined a proposal for a new Green Finance Strategy, which is essentially a scheme whereby the climate impacts of PLCs and asset owners should be disclosed to the public – with a goal of just two years for this initiative to come into practice.

Whilst energy efficiency is essential in achieving the goal, and indeed harbours long term ROI benefits – one of the most common cases of resistance in the market, is the initial upfront cost. It’s a challenge that has a solution – financial support in the sector – and this is why the City Minister has insisted that the contribution of the finance industry is crucial in the progress that the UK seeks to make.

There are a wide range of grants, funds and solutions available dependent on which energy efficiency solution you wish to implement, when it comes to doing your bit. Here at Utility Trade Group, our experienced Account Managers can guide you through the process, helping you to understand the host of solutions available.

Promoting the economic advantages of energy efficiency will unlock a rapid adoption of sustainable practices, and safeguard our environments future.

So, get in touch with Utility Trade Group today, to see how we can help you find a solution that is perfect for your business – with regards to both climate change, and the financial options available to you.

Energy Efficiency the Key for UK to Reach Net Zero Goal

Energy efficiency is something that we’re serious advocates of, here at Utility Trade Group. Without it, energy costs would continue to rise, and the damage to the environment would be irreparable.

It’s an imperative exercise in, not just achieving the net-zero goal, but in reducing your business costs – and it’s becoming ever more mainstream and accessible, with expensive upfront costs and limited outcomes, both things of the past.

A huge amount of time and effort has already been leveraged, in an attempt for change on the net-zero goal. However, MPs have recently warned that the UK will not hit these targets, unless energy efficiency is improved further still.

Progress has continued to stall, according to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee, with the target having been set for 2050. This goal has ensured that the UK were one of the most ambitious in the world, with the previous target having been set at 80%. The UK has already reduced their emissions by 42% but in order to reach the 2050 target, will need to look to energy efficiency far more closely.

The Committee also found that:

– They believe that energy efficiency is seen as ‘less of a priority’ by the UK Government, in comparison to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

– That energy efficiency needs to be utilised in order for the climate targets to be reached. Also, that this is the cheapest way in order to reduce carbon emissions.

– They pushed MP’s to look at improving the energy efficiency of buildings with immediate effect, if they wish to meet any of the current emissions reduction targets. By doing so they will also help tackle fuel poverty, and reduce energy bills that have continued to rise.

– They also believe that the Government is failing to boost energy efficiency within businesses. This is one of the key changes that should have been made already, but many firms are still not even aware of the current targets that have been made in their sectors. They said, “The market is not delivering change at the pace needed and neither is the regulatory framework. We recommend a step-change in the government’s approach to regulating the sector, with the ratcheting up of the minimum energy efficiency standards, the mandating of operational performance ratings and improved standards for new commercial buildings.”

– MP’s have said that progress is stalling, not due to a lack of evidence on how they can drive energy efficiency, but due to a ‘lack of political will’.

Energy efficiency is becoming ever more important – not just in terms of achieving the goals set out by the UK Government, but in order to combat the ever increasing costs of non-renewable energy sources. Utility Trade Group have helped businesses across the country with their energy efficiency programmes, and our full turnkey approach ensures that there is a solution for your business. Whether it’s Solar PV, Led Lighting, Battery Storage, or indeed something else – our qualified consultants will be able to guide you through the process, and make recommendations that are best suited to your business.

Energy efficiency is something that cannot be ignored  – get in touch with us today, to see how we can help your reduce your energy costs, and help to achieve the net-zero goal.

Meet The Team – Emmie Wade

As part of our monthly introduction to a different team member here at Utility Trade Group, this month we’d like to introduce you to our Administrator, Emmie Wade.

Describe your job in three words.

Busy, rewarding & ever evolving

How long have you been with the business, and what does your day-to-day role entail?

2 years 6 months.

Processing sales contracts.

Problem solving and supporting sales team and customers. Managing supplier relationships.

What do you enjoy most about working at Utility Trade Group?

The people and my working environment.

I enjoy being busy and helping other departments and customers with queries.

I like managing my tasks and organising my workload.

What have you learnt/what has changed about yourself since working at UTG?

My general knowledge and business awareness has increased.

I like being part of a company that provides many solutions to help our environment.

What are the values that drive you?

Honesty and determination to complete things to best of my capabilities.

Never being afraid to try, having a positive attitude.

If you could switch positions with anyone famous in the world (living or dead) for one day, who would it be and why?

Margot Robbie; Not only is she glamorous but she is very talented and she is respected outside of her acting career too.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Going out for food! Meeting up with friends at weekends.

But Sunday’s are for family, dog walking or having roast dinners round my grans’

How would your family & friends describe you?

Happy and humorous, up for a laugh.

Very reliable and trustworthy, always there for my friends and family if they need me.

What’s your favourite food?


If you had super hero powers for a day, what would it be and why?

To fly! I could then see all the World in one day.

When you were a kid, what did you want to do when you grew up?

Be a primary school teacher.

What World Record would you be likely to break and why?

Binge watching a series on Netflix in shortest time ever.

What would you rather, and why: go without your phone, food or drink for a day?

Phone: I love my food too much and I can never have a meal without drink.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

Book a dream holiday to The Maldives for me and my family!

What would you most likely tell yourself at age 13?

Don’t stress so much about the little things.

You’ll learn what’s really important as you grow up.

Big Energy Saving Week 2020

It’s Big Energy Saving Week 2020!

A national campaign that is designed to help people and businesses save on energy bills, and get all of the financial support that you’re entitled to.

Whether you’re a personal or business energy consumer, being enrolled in a tariff that isn’t right for you, can have extreme consequences on the costs that you’re likely to incur. Small-scale, simple changes can help to save energy, the environment, and your business’ bottom line – whether it’s switching supplier or tariff, making use of the discounts available, applying for Government-backed grants, or making your personal or commercial property more energy efficient – you can save money.

Utility Trade Group are experts in both the energy management and energy efficiency sectors. We can address problematic or high-cost areas, and work with you to connect your energy supply and energy efficiency products to your business needs, driving your business forward.

Our turnkey approach to energy savings includes an array of energy efficiency options, including (but not limited to), Solar PVLED LightingFar Infrared Heating, and Battery Storage. Furthermore, on the procurement side, our buying power in the market, along with our specialised energy managed services, provides you with clearer visibility of your consumption, unlocking greater control of your energy costs; thus increasing your profits.

Big Energy Saving Week 2020 is a national campaign that’s funded by the UK Government. In 2018-19, it helped to deliver £1.3million on savings to individuals and businesses who had energy related issues. There is no better time to do your bit for the environment, and your bottom line – so get in touch with Utility Trade Group today to see how we can help save you money on your energy costs, in Big Energy Saving Week and beyond.

Top 5 Solutions to Take Control and Save on Your Energy Costs and Consumption

Utility Trade Group offer an array of energy efficiency solutions, and  combined with our procurement expertise, ensure that we offer a full turnkey approach to energy efficiency.

Getting the Right Contract

It is important you are only paying for you what you need and what you use.

Our expertise in the market and our supplier partnerships, enable us to offer you energy contracts that are more suitable and bespoke to you.

Change Your Lighting

Lighting accounts for 20 per cent of all the energy consumption in the UK, which means it also accounts for a significant chunk of energy bills.

LED lighting can be more attractive, energy efficient, cost-effective and durable than existing methods.

Consuming less than 80 per cent of the electricity of traditional incandescent bulbs, LED lights can shave pounds off electricity bills. 

Many of us already have them in the home, but the potential use for businesses is much greater – along with the savings.

Long-Term Electricity Efficient Solutions

Depending on whether you own the building you run your business from or rent it, it may be worth considering investing in solar panels. 

Although you will need to make an initial capital investment, it will save you a lot of money over time. The use of solar panels will significantly reduce your electricity bills, and they have very low maintenance costs.

Using solar panels also helps the environment as it is a truly renewable source of energy, decreasing the need for new power plants which cause and create pollution. 

Infrared Heating

Infrared heating technology really is amazing. Unlike traditional radiators, it works through radiant heat rather than convection, and therefore doesn’t waste energy heating air.

When investing in infrared, you could overhaul your heating system, wiring panels into the electricity circuit and controlling them via a smart heating system.

This allows for optimal savings, as you have total control and can also monitor your energy usage. Alternatively, you can just plug panels in to the mains wherever you want them for a boost of heat.

Solar with Battery Storage

Energy storage plays an important role in balancing power supply and demand, and is key to tackling the intermittency issues of renewable energy.

Pairing a storage system with a renewable energy source ensures a smooth and steady power supply, even when weather conditions are not optimal for energy generation. 

Batteries are the most common storage devices used in renewable energy system.

It is projected that storage will represent a core component of all new energy technologies moving into the future, as both utility-scale and domestic energy storage solutions become more price competitive, eroding the advantages of traditional energy sources.

If we can help you with any aspects of your energy efficiency or procurement, then please contact Utility Trade Group today.

What is Being Done to Tackle the Climate Emergency?

As a leading energy efficiency consultant, here at Utility Trade Group, we strive to do all we can in the battle against the climate emergency. The supply and implementation of renewable energy resources, accompanied with a strong will and desire to face the issue at hand are our core fundamentals in this battle – but Government regulation is also at the forefront of change too.

The Government describes the regulation as “simple, risk based, and proportionate.” In the last decade alone, the Environment Agency alone have seen less waste going to landfill, a decline in the emissions from industry, and a 70% recycle rate from the sites that sit within their jurisdiction.

Offenders and non-compliers are being targeted more heavily, with longer custodial sentences and bigger fines being handed down – the Government are ramping up the fight against those who continue to commit so-called environmental crime. As Britain prepares to leave the EU at the end of January, the regulations won’t become laxer – in fact, they’re likely to become tougher than ever.

The theory of marginal gains is more relevant than ever – if everybody does their bit, the world will become a better place. That said, we don’t want to aim for a planet that is marginally better overall, more so one that is considerably better than it has ever been before.

Emission regulation and reducing carbon is at the heart of the over-riding objective, with the net-zero goal by 2030 at the forefront of the desire for change. Industries and businesses that are committed to green technology are being supported more than ever, and Utility Trade Group are expert s in this field – we’ve achieved a level of excellence. If we can help you with any aspects of making your business greener, including grant applications or the installation of renewable energy resources, then please get in touch today.

Utility Trade Group Save 27,000kw, 2,600Trees & 10 tonnes of Co2 per Annum, in one Project Alone

In an effort to support Cambridgeshire County Council’s pledge to become carbon neutral, Utility Trade Group were supporting Bouygues E&S FM UK, in the design and installation of multiple solutions to schools, including Alderman Jacob Primary School.

Due to our established credibility for delivering installs of innovative, sustainable and impact investment products, we were able to offer invaluable advice at the very beginning of this project. A considerable amount of time was given to the design and collective cost and ROI of the multi solution.

The results were exceptional:

Solar PV

  • 100% of generated energy is estimated to be consumed on site.

LED Lighting

  • Estimated to reduce lighting demand by 60%

Heating Control

  • Heating controls implemented on all heating services to improve heating controls and reduce wastage, thus lowering Co2 emissions.

This all resulted in a collective estimated saving of 10 tonnes per annum of Co2, 27,000kw per annum of power, and over 2,600 trees saved per annum.

Post installation, we carried out a commissioning and handover with the client and facilities manager. At that point, we discussed any training requirements with regards to systems and controls. The Solar PV was then added to an online monitoring platform, to ensure targeted generation and will alert on any failures or trips in the systems. It provides live statistics.

Both Utility Trade Group and the client have access to the online dashboard. We send out monthly reports, and if at any point the panels are not operating at 100%, we are able to identify which panel, and then one of our maintenance team would then be deployed to rectify the issue.

Our work received a glowing review from a Bouygues E&S FM UK representative, who said:

“We have successfully completed PV installations at fifteen schools under RE:FIT 3, with a combined capacity of over 250kW.

This is in addition to installations at seven Cambridge City sites and one for South Cambs DC over the same period, bringing the total to just over 500kW.

Combined, this will generate over 8GWh of renewable electricity over the Feed In Tariff term, circa £2M of revenue and around 2,500TCO2 savings.

I’d like to extend my gratitude to Utility Trade for all their hard work and dedication to meet the demanding timeline, their commitment to maintaining the highest standard of health & safety and consistent quality throughout. I’d also like to thank the wider team for working so hard to make it happen. It’s been far from easy for all parties involved but this achievement is worth celebrating. Well done!”

UT Power have a proven track record, specialising in the following areas:

  • Project management
  • Client welfare
  • Full turn-key approach to energy efficiency – from design, install, commission, and maintenance.

In addition to specialising in Solar PV, Heating Controls and LED Lighting – we are accredited for EV installation, Far Infrared Heating installation and Battery Storage. So, if we can help with any aspects of your energy efficiency, then please get in touch today.

Utility Trade Group Generates over 1 Megawatt of Power from Solar PV Installations

In the last year alone, Utility Trade Group completed 75 Solar PV installations – 90% of which were for commercial properties, and 10% for domestic. Those installations generated a staggering 900,000kw of power, reducing carbon footprint and ensuring that we are taking strides in the campaign against climate change.

Our working relationship with local authorities such as Leicestershire County Council, has provided us with the opportunity to educate our clients, staff and partners on the positive environmental impact, in addition to the economic benefits of our work. One example is the consultation, design and installation work we did with Leicestershire County Council to unlock sustainable income to pay for local projects, such as providing further education for adults.

Danemill Primary School Annexe has just been refurbished and will reopen as an adult learning centre. As part of the refurbishment and continued commitment from Leicestershire County Council to make their property portfolio more sustainable, the buildings now have a 25kW solar array. The system comprises of 93,275W Jinko SolarEdge optimised PV modules, and is forecast to generate 22,500kWh and avoid 10 tonnes of CO2 emissions in year one.

In September, we achieved industry recognition for the work we’ve done in the Solar PV category. Not only did we secure third place in the National Solar PV Project of the Year category (which we wrote about last week), but we also received a special commendation in the National Solar PV Installer & Contractor of the Year Category.

Our double success in the Solar PV category further highlights our expertise in this area, and is just reward for the hard work and dedication, in the pursuit of success for our clients. Receiving recognition from industry peers, in such a prestigious award category, is one of the highest accolades possible.

A representative from Leicestershire County Council spoke very highly of our work:

“Utility Trade have been an excellent contractor to work with throughout the installation of solar panels at Vulcan Court. The installation was a complex project with a tight deadline, and Utility Trade delivered both on time and on budget”.

“We would highly recommend UT Power for Project Managing, and the installation of Renewable Technologies. We have had a large number of installations completed by UT Power, and all have been managed professionally, delivered before programme and with minimal disruption. We have achieved a very high overall customer satisfaction, from Building Managers through to the end user”

This is a glowing endorsement, and further consolidates our position as one of the Solar PV industry leaders. Our proven track record in this area is something we’re extremely proud of, so if we can help you with any aspects of your Solar PV project, then please get in touch today.

Utility Trade Group Solar PV Project Saves 39.5 tonnes of Co2 per Annum

We recently announced that we secured third place in the National Solar PV Project of the Year category, at the National Energy Efficiency Awards 2019.

Receiving recognition from industry peers, in such a prestigious award category, is one of the highest accolades possible – so we thought it would be good to share some of the details of why we saw such great success in this area.

This particular project related to the University of London, and the installation of multiple solutions was across a number of university buildings, including Senate House and International Hall.

In an effort to support University of London’s carbon footprint target, Utility Trade Group were supporting Bouygues E&S FM UK in the design and installation of multiple Solar PV solutions. Due to the upcoming expiry of the Feed in Tariff, it was essential that we were able to complete both installations within strict time constraints, so as to ensure maximised ROI and energy savings. Both are historical buildings which required specialist planning.

Although they are located in the centre of London, University of London had a big ambition to reduce Co2 emissions in the capital. Given the nature of the building’s designs, we were very innovative with the design, so as to ensure maximum output on kw. Health and Safety was a massive factor in this project, resulting in road closures, as well as the obtaining of specialist crane lifting systems. We were also able to overcome the issue of complicated cable runs, whilst ensuring the safety of staff, public and workers.

The success of this project was heavily reliant on delivering this solution on a unique building, which had restricted access. It was seen as a flagship for other complex projects in Central London, meeting the government’s ambition for the capital to reduce its CO2 emissions.

The results of the project were exceptional. As a result, Utility Trade Group were able to save an estimated:

·       88,000kw of non-renewable energy per annum

·       39.5 tonnes of Co2 per annum

·       1,975 trees per annum

A representative of Bouygues E&S, gave some fantastic feedback:

“I have also had some really positive feedback from the client at the University of London on how safety conscious they are and how well they are working at University Hall which they are hoping to complete this week”

“I think it is important to report within the business on good contractors.

“I am looking forward to completing the Senate House project with them by the end of the month.”

Utility Trade Group have a proven track record in Solar PV installation, and this is just one of many success stories in this area. If we can help you with any aspects of your Solar PV project, then please get in touch today.

Meet The Team – Tahir Sheikh

As part of our monthly introduction to a different team member here at Utility Trade Group, this month we’d like to introduce you our Sales Team Manager, Tahir Sheikh.

Describe your job in three words? Challenging, Fun & Rewarding  How long have you been with the business, and what does your day-to-day role entail? 7 years. Manage sales team to achieve targets, provide reporting to directors. Manage my own base of clients.  

What do you enjoy most about working at Utility Trade Group?  Working with the people. It’s a great culture, good and honest.  

What have you learnt/what has changed about yourself since working at UTG?  I’ve become more confident. I enjoy speaking to anyone plus developing my managerial skills, creating a more structured environment.  

What are the values that drive you?  Honesty, Family & Trust  

If you could switch positions with anyone famous in the world (living or dead) for one day, who would it be and why? Mohammed Ali, he not only changed the face of boxing but he fought for his rights and beliefs. A true inspiration.  

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?  Anything to do with football. I coach under 9’s (Leicester Nirvana FC) and play too when I can. Spending quality time with my family.  

How would your family & friends describe you?  The family patriarch, always the go to for help and advice. Funny.  

What’s your favourite food?  Grilled food – especially fillet steak.  

If you had super hero powers for a day, what would it be and why?  Telepathy – so I can read people’s real thoughts and emotions before I respond.  

When you were a kid, what did you want to do when you grew up?  I wanted to be a pharmacist.  

What World Record would you be likely to break and why?  Most consecutive days eating chips. 

What would you rather, and why: go without your phone, food or internet for a day?  Phone – I’m trying to stop spending as much time on the phone and encourage my family to do so, to be more sociable.  

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?  Give at least 50% to charity.  

What would you most likely tell yourself at age 13?  Don’t quit! 

Continued Brexit Uncertainty – Impact on Energy Prices Moving Forward

The vote was made back in June of 2016, that the UK would be leaving the European Union. However, over three years down the line and we have yet to see an exit, despite the date being set for the 29th March earlier this year. In fact, the EU have recently granted another extension until early 2020.

This uncertainty has led to fluctuations across an array of markets, and this includes energy – something which we touched upon in a blog post back in February.

The energy market has been marked with a major red flag, which is little surprise, following a large drop in the pound, the slowing of the UK economy, and several major businesses looking at leaving the UK, following the vote. Last year saw two significant rises in energy prices, which were attributed to the ever rising costs of wholesale gas and electricity. Household energy bills are only set to rise further this year, as the continued uncertainty of the situation escalates. Britain remaining in Europe’s carbon trading scheme, the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) after Brexit, also remains a key uncertainty.

The term ‘deal or no deal’ becomes ever more prevalent, as the UK is still no closer to finding out what the general direction may be. If the UK were to leave without a deal in January 2020, then they will be committed to the WTO trading legislation. This would likely lead to a rise in energy bills, as trade barriers would  increase the cost of gas and electricity passing the border. At present there is free movement of these services, which is why it is cheaper, and no additional tariffs have been passed down to energy bills.

These could be increased however, as the fear of increased transportation costs heightens. Power companies and lead industry bodies are becoming ever more fearful of such an outcome, urging politicians to strike a relevant deal to prevent these tariff barriers coming to fruition

So, just what can be done to tackle the potential rise in energy prices?

The most positive move to make is to ensure you are signed up to a fixed-rate deal ASAP, so as to avoid the uncertainty that Britain’s EU departure in January brings. Here at Utility Trade Group, we are experts in energy management. Our buying power in the market, along with our specialised managed service, provides you with clearer visibility of your consumption, unlocking greater control of your energy costs, increasing your profits.

Get in touch today to see how we can help your business, amid the uncertainty of Brexit.

Net-Zero Carbon Emissions – How Can It Be Achieved?

Following on from our previous blog posts about various aspects of energy efficiency, this week we look at the UK achieving a net-zero carbon emissions figure.

Net-zero refers to the balancing of emissions in that, after greenhouse gas reduction measures have been taken, any remaining emissions are removed or offset.

The UK Government has set a target of net-zero carbon emissions, raising the previous target of an 80% reduction. This has now been written into UK law, and the way that we use energy will need to significantly changed, in order to adhere to this new policy. It is expected that an amalgamation of new technologies will be required support this decarbonisation process.

As you know, at Utility Trade Group, we are experts in energy efficiency. Our energy efficient solutions can improve operational performance for clients, strengthen resilience and drive their business vision forward.

Operational excellence and cost management are a key focus for any business, and energy is a significant factor in both, yet it is often misunderstood and not managed successfully.

In order to achieve net-zero, it’s imperative that more is done to reduce heat and transport emissions. Electrification, heat pumpselectric vehicles, hydrogen, biogas and energy efficiency measures will all form key cogs in the wheel to success on this front. 

There are three core aspects that business owners will likely turn to, in order to support this process:


There are already separate targets in place for EVs in the UK, with them likely to be the core means of eliminating emissions from commercial delivery vehicles. To support uptake of EVs in the UK, it was announced recently that drivers will be able to use a public charger without having signed up to the specific provider’s scheme. Utility Trade Group are suppliers and installers of EV charging points. 


There are a range of technical solutions to decarbonise heat that can be adopted in different locations and for varying purposes across the UK. These include replacing natural gas with hydrogen, either completely, or in-part.

Carbon Capture & Storage (CSS)

“CSS is a necessity, not an option”, claim the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) – it is required for industry, bioenergy, and for hydrogen and electricity production. A net-zero carbon cluster at Drax, which would include the world’s first carbon negative power station, is currently at the exploratory stage.

Whilst business energy users will see their carbon footprint fall automatically, as low carbon electricity becomes more abundant, much more will need to be done to reduce heat and transport emissions. The renewable energy measures aforementioned will need to be combined to achieve the goal – with business looking to work out and optimise the best amalgamation of technologies to suit their business. This is where we can help, with our energy efficiency consultation and solutions.

Energy efficiency is no longer a fringe exercise with expensive upfront costs and limited outcomes. It is a mainstream option that is more accessible and feasible than ever before.

Utility Trade Group are experts in energy efficiency, including all of the above solutions. We can offer finance solutions to make investment costs more manageable, and to ensure that our solutions are helping your business to save money in the long-run. Get in touch today, to see how we can help you to combine your energy efficiency solutions and achieve the net-zero goal by 2050.