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Modern Slavery Statement


This statement is made pursuant to Modern Day Slavery Act 2015 and is the UTG Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year. This statement applies to Utility Trade Group ‘’UTG’’ and its subsidiaries.

Management policies

UTG takes a zero-tolerance approach to human trafficking and slavery, in our supply chains or any other part of our business.
All our employees are given guidance to help recognise signs of slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude and priority reporting mechanisms are in place.

Employee Policies

We have robust policies and procedures to ensure that its employees are not subject to undue influence and are treated with dignity and respect. Policies and procedures are regularly audited to ensure we are compliant with the most up to date employment legislation to prevent unethical working practices.

UTG are committed to ensuring all employees receive fair remuneration for the work they perform and have job evaluated all its roles. Pay terms and conditions have been harmonised across the entire workforce.

Our supply chains

UTG procures a wide range of goods and services including and not limited to

  • Civil works

  • Repairs and maintenance

  • Scaffolding

  • Roofing and electrical works

  • IT Services

  • Various professional services

Compliance with this Policy

At UTG, we recognise the responsibility that we share with our suppliers, to buy materials and deliver our services in an ethical manner. As part of this commitment, we acknowledge our responsibility towards the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will ensure transparency within the organisation and with our suppliers of goods and services to UTG. We want our customers to be confident that our business partners treat their employees fairly, with respect for human rights and are not exposed to unsafe working conditions or in any way forced to work under slavery. We believe that when ethical standards are in place, this can improve worker well-being, productivity and quality, which benefits both our suppliers and our customers. The Directors and Management shall be responsible for the application of this policy and ensure all activity complies with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Date: 01/02/2021