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Climate Change Adaptation is Fundamental in Covid-19 Recovery

May 13, 2020

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and being prepared to do more on the climate change front is essential to the UK’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic – that’s according to the Committee on Climate Change (CCC).

An important statement in recovery, and one that Utility Trade Group have gathered some data around, in order to outline the general consensus on. Our survey showed that over 73% of people are willing to do more to tackle climate change:

The lockdown measures imposed by the British Government have resulted in far less cars on the road, and an almost complete suspension of air travel. If we are going to tackle the issues at hand, head on, then one core strategy will be to ensure that this travel behaviour will soon become the norm, and not merely a temporary measure in light of the pandemic. Trends adopted during lockdown should be rolled out longer term.

In light of this, we surveyed the same representative sample to find out if they’d be willing to change their travel behaviours, and even switch to an EV in the near future:

Over 36% of people said that they would change their driving habits and wouldn’t be using their car as normal. Perhaps more impressive, is the fact that 44% of people indicated that they are now more receptive to switching to an EV.

Our hope is that consumers will now begin to support climate change in a way that’s never been seen before. In light of the reduction of carbon emissions over the past few months, we’d like to see this translated into a longer term will and desire for change. Reducing emissions through the use of EVs is an essential component in that changing behaviour.

The Government’s net zero target is fast approaching, and the benefits of acting on climate change should be shared widely. If we can help you with the provision of an EV charging point, or indeed any other renewable energy solution to help you drive change, then please get in touch today.

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