Meet The Team – Tahir Sheikh
As part of our monthly introduction to a different team member here at Utility Trade Group, this month we’d like to introduce you our Sales Team Manager, Tahir Sheikh.
Describe your job in three words? Challenging, Fun & Rewarding How long have you been with the business, and what does your day-to-day role entail? 7 years. Manage sales team to achieve targets, provide reporting to directors. Manage my own base of clients.
What do you enjoy most about working at Utility Trade Group? Working with the people. It’s a great culture, good and honest.
What have you learnt/what has changed about yourself since working at UTG? I’ve become more confident. I enjoy speaking to anyone plus developing my managerial skills, creating a more structured environment.
What are the values that drive you? Honesty, Family & Trust
If you could switch positions with anyone famous in the world (living or dead) for one day, who would it be and why? Mohammed Ali, he not only changed the face of boxing but he fought for his rights and beliefs. A true inspiration.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Anything to do with football. I coach under 9’s (Leicester Nirvana FC) and play too when I can. Spending quality time with my family.
How would your family & friends describe you? The family patriarch, always the go to for help and advice. Funny.
What’s your favourite food? Grilled food – especially fillet steak.
If you had super hero powers for a day, what would it be and why? Telepathy – so I can read people’s real thoughts and emotions before I respond.
When you were a kid, what did you want to do when you grew up? I wanted to be a pharmacist.
What World Record would you be likely to break and why? Most consecutive days eating chips.
What would you rather, and why: go without your phone, food or internet for a day? Phone – I’m trying to stop spending as much time on the phone and encourage my family to do so, to be more sociable.
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Give at least 50% to charity.
What would you most likely tell yourself at age 13? Don’t quit!