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Winter is Coming – Lock in Your Energy Prices Today

October 16, 2019

The summer months are now behind us, and winter is coming. As such, energy usage across the UK is likely to soar – in fact, the Government’s research shows that, on average, the demand for energy on a winter’s day is 36% higher than on a summer’s day.

In the darker and colder months, solar generation is minimal. However, wind levels are generally stronger which causes major fluctuations in the UK’s renewable energy supply. As such, the country isn’t able to rely on renewables during the times where demand is heavily increased.

Typically, the increased demand for gas required to heat offices sees the price rise, and also has a knock-on impact on electricity costs too.

Furthermore, extreme weather conditions that winter brings can cause power cuts, as power lines can be damaged in the snow, wind and rain. Continued weathering of these areas of supply can result in high repair costs for energy suppliers – something which is always factored in to their winter pricing for businesses across the UK.

In addition, prolonged periods of harsh weather conditions often result in businesses consuming more power to stay warm and keep operations ticking over. Furthermore, when a lot of businesses are turning up the heat, this results in more demand, which can also increase the price of your energy – especially if there is a shortage in gas and electricity supply.

2020 costs could be compounded by currency fluctuations caused by the outcome of Brexit negotiations, along with a rise in the Climate Change Levy and potential changes to the Energy Intensive Industries (EII) exemption threshold, offering more industrial users relief from the cost of renewable levies, but increasing non-commodity charges for other users.

At Utility Trade Group, we can help. Our buying power in the market along with our specialised managed service provides you with clearer visibility of your consumption, unlocking greater control of your energy costs, and increasing your profits.

Our end-to-end service of energy management and managed services not only helps you have access to the best energy rates in the market, but it also helps your business to run more efficiently too.

Utility Trade Group are experts in the energy procurement field, so why don’t you get in touch with us today to lock in your current contract before prices go up?

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