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World Bee Day! 🐝

May 26, 2023

🐝 In celebration of World Bee Day on Saturday, we’re reflecting on our Erasing Nature project that our team took part in.

What is Erasing Nature?

It’s an art project by local artist Tom Van Herrewege, inspired by his curiosity of the incredible diversity within the animal kingdom and mankind’s interpretation of this across the world. Raising awareness of the developing extinction crisis and communicating what these animals represent to everyone.

The animal’s image is removed through writing, drawing, and scribbling, until the original drawing has become faded away enough to suggest its ecological status.
As you can see, our chosen animal was a Polar Bear, did you know Polar Bears will be extinct in 10 years unless there is a stop to Climate Change?

We wanted to show our staff and customers that we are not just talking about being committed to making change, but that we’re doing what we can to action these changes too.

What are you doing to tackle Climate Change? It might be a small, everyday task like recycling or investing in energy efficient measures like Solar PV and LED lighting.

Share your actions in the comments below to inspire others to join in!

Together, we can make a difference to Climate Change. 🌍



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